F2 Overseas

Severn Foundation School offers its existing F1s the opportunity to apply to complete F2 in another country.

Depending on the number of applicants, approval of F2 abroad may be limited. If an application for F2 Overseas is approved, but subsequently falls through, please note we cannot guarantee a foundation doctor's original F2 rotation, as this may have been allocated to another foundation doctor through the F2 Swaps process. However, within reason we will endeavour to place you in an alternative F2 rotation within Severn.

Any foundation doctors that are appointed to an SFP or FPP programme are not able to apply to complete their F2 year overseas. 

Individuals interested in this opportunity should note that responsibility for organising an F2 year abroad lies entirely with the foundation doctor, as the school does not have the resources to offer any assistance with the process.

It is important to check for any restrictions before going too far down a particular path. For example, Australia changed their visa rules in March 2018 to require at least 2 years relevant work experience (please note this may have changed since, please check the respective immigration rules of the country you are seeking to undertake F2 in).

Anyone wishing to arrange an F2 abroad may also need to take any COVID-19 situation into consideration, as it could impact on a practical level with regards to travel, quarantine etc.

Please note you cannot save up all your annual leave to the end of F1 to help with this, and the F2 year must still be a full 12 months that takes place contemporaneously with the UK F2 year.

Prospective Approval of Overseas F2 Placements

Before completing your application, please familiarise yourself with the guidance notes below.

Guidance Notes

Foundation doctors wishing to undertake F2 outside of the UK should apply to the foundation school in which they are completing their F1 year. This means that foundation doctors should complete their first year of foundation training in the foundation school considering their application. Foundation doctors should also consult the GMC about the implications for revalidation.

Prospective approval from Severn Foundation school, and prior approval from the GMC, must be sought if the training outside of the UK is to count towards the requirements for satisfactory completion of the foundation programme. It is the foundation doctor’s responsibility to arrange a suitable placement and confirm that the unit has agreed to provide training, assessment and support in accordance with the requirements for satisfactory completion of the foundation programme.

From GMC Statement on Approval of Foundation Programme Training outside the UK:

Criteria for approving an individual’s Foundation Programme training outside the UK – F1 and F2

23. Medical schools and postgraduate deans/foundation schools or LETBs must publish their policy for approval of Foundation Programme training outside the UK.

24. Where a medical school allows F1 training outside the UK, it is responsible for putting in place an assurance arrangement, with the local postgraduate dean/foundation school or LETB, to make sure the programme meets the requirements in Promoting excellence: standards for medical education and training (2015). Similarly, for F2 training outside the UK, the postgraduate dean/foundation school or LETB must have an assurance arrangement in place to maintain oversight of the programme.

25. An individual’s application for Foundation Programme training outside the UK needs prospective approval by the medical school in writing (F1) and postgraduate dean/foundation school or LETB (F2).

26. An individual’s Foundation Programme training outside the UK needs prospective approval by the GMC.

27. If a training programme is to be approved with a host organisation outside the UK, it must be regarded as equivalent to a Foundation Programme delivered in the UK.

28. F1 or F2 training must be for at least 12 months’ duration and provide opportunities to meet the Foundation Programme outcomes.

29. The medical school, with the local postgraduate dean/foundation school or LETB, must assess the suitability of placements for Foundation Programme training. Placements must be substantive in at least two and ideally three but no more than four specialties, with job descriptions. Individual placement lengths may vary, with placements typically lasting four or six months. They should be long enough to allow foundation doctors to become members of the team and allow team members to make reliable judgements about foundation doctors’ abilities, performance and progress. Placements should be no less than three months duration.

30. An agreement with the host institution should be in place confirming Foundation Programme training requirements will be met and that it will support the delivery of the Foundation Programme Curriculum and assessment arrangements.

31. The host institution must provide a named person (clinical tutor/programme director or equivalent) with overall responsibility for supervision for training and providing reports to the medical school or postgraduate dean/foundation school or LETB, and confirming that Foundation Programme requirements have been met.

32. The host institution must supervise the doctor in accordance with the requirements of Promoting excellence: standards for medical education and training (2015) and the Foundation Programme Curriculum including providing a named educational supervisor, and a named clinical supervisor for each placement. There must be a meeting with the relevant supervisors at the start of each placement to set out expectations for the placement and regular supervision meetings throughout the programme in line with the UK Foundation Programme requirements.

33. The host institution must agree that assessment of performance will be undertaken at the end of each placement by a named clinical or educational supervisor, informed by colleagues who have observed the foundation doctor’s performance in the workplace, and report to medical school or postgraduate dean/foundation school or LETB.

34. The host institution must support the delivery of supervised learning events (SLEs) as set out in Foundation Programme Curriculum.

35. The requirements for the Foundation Programme Learning Portfolio must be completed, linking evidence to demonstrate how outcomes have been achieved, including a record of core procedures required for F1.

36. The supervised learning events and assessment of performance to demonstrate the learning outcomes in Promoting excellence: standards for medical education and training (2015) must be demonstrated, assessed and recorded in English.

37. The host institution must convey immediately any significant concerns about a doctor’s performance, health or conduct, to the medical school (F1) or postgraduate dean/foundation school or LETB (F1 and F2).

38. The host institution must maintain a record of absences (annual leave, sickness and study leave) as required by the GMC Absence from Foundation Programme Position Statement.

39. The medical school, informed by the end of year report and review of Foundation Programme Learning Portfolio, is responsible for deciding whether to award satisfactory completion of F1 (Certificate of Experience). This responsibility may be delegated to the postgraduate dean/foundation school or LETB, which is also responsible for deciding the award of satisfactory completion of F2 (Foundation Programme Completion Certificate).

40. Doctors in a programme for provisionally registered doctors must be registered with the General Medical Council.

The Foundation Doctor's Commitment Whilst In An Overseas F2 Placement

The foundation doctor seeking to undertake F2 outside the UK must agree to:

  • complete their e-portfolio
  • undertake all requirements for F2 Sign Off
  • follow the F2 curriculum
  • maintain contact with the Foundation School

The foundation doctor must provide evidence that:

  • the F2 competencies have been achieved
  • they have attended and recorded (on e-Portfolio) regular educational meetings with their Clinical and Educational Supervisors
  • they have completed the required Supervised Learning Events (SLEs) to demonstrate progress in the clinical environment
  • they have completed 360º appraisal (TAB and PSG) and engaged educationally
  • they have attended the required number of teaching sessions and/or any other educational activities
  • they have given due consideration to their career and sought advice where appropriate

The e-portfolio must be maintained during the year, and will be checked at regular intervals by the Foundation School.

The foundation doctor must also undertake any processes/assessments required by the local (overseas) programme.

At the end of the year the foundation doctor will be subject to an Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) and must submit all the necessary documentation within the required timescales.

Important Notes

  1. The Foundation Doctor must be on track to successfully complete F1 at the time the application is submitted and have no significant concerns raised. 
  2. The foundation doctor needs to be aware that sometimes between appointment to a placement overseas and taking up the post (as well as during the placement itself) fundamental changes – such as to the clinical content of the post, the consultants and educational supervisors, the rota worked, the educational component, even the hospital involved – can occur.  It is the responsibility of the foundation doctor to notify any such changes as soon as possible to the Foundation School.  Failure to do so may result in the foundation doctor not being Signed Off at the end of the year.
  3. Any foundation doctor not awarded an ARCP Outcome 6 will have to undertake an F2 placement on return to the UK.
  4. Foundation doctors should note that they will NOT be eligible to claim their Study Leave budget if F2 is taken overseas.
  5. Neither the Foundation School nor the GMC will retrospectively approve overseas posts for F2 training.


  1. In the first instance, identify a suitable 12-month programme, in an English speaking country, that meets the GMC's criteria set out above. The only exception would be to identify a post in Malta which already is recognised programme by the UKFPO. 
  2. Discuss your plans with your Educational Supervisor and Trust Foundation Programme Director.
  3. Complete the Overseas F2 application form and obtain the signatures required.
  4. Your completed form and supporting documentation must be submitted to england.sevfoundation.sw@nhs.net.
  5. Incomplete or incorrectly completed forms will not be considered.
  6. Late applications will not be accepted.
  7. The Foundation School will notify you of the outcome of your application.
  8. If you are unsuccessful, you may lodge an appeal against the decision.

Overseas F2 Application Form


Application window opens 04/12/2023 09:00am GMT
Application window closes 05/01/2024 12:00 midday GMT
Deadline for withdrawing from process 24/01/2024
Results released 31/01/2024