
  • What is the e-portfolio?

    The Foundation e-portfolio contains everything required to manage placements and monitor progress:

    • Forms for developing a personal development plan
    • Forms for meetings with educational supervisor, reflective practice and self appraisal
    • A record of the Supervised Learning Events (SLEs) and assessments completed

    More information on the e-portfolio can be found on our ePortfolio and eLearning webpage

  • How will competence be assessed?

    Various methods are used to monitor and assess the competence of a foundation doctor. Completed SLEs and assessments will be stored in their e-portfolio. More information can be found on the UKFPO website.

  • Why are assessments necessary?

    Patients need to be assured that all doctors have demonstrated their ability to practice in accordance with the standards set by the GMC. Assessments are also part of a foundation doctor's personal development – a career in medicine requires doctors to demonstrate life-long learning. The Foundation Programme assessments will provide feedback which can inform appraisal and personal development.

  • Will the assessment tools be used to rank foundation doctors as part of the selection process for specialty training?

    Not at present. However, foundation doctors will need to be prepared to present evidence from their
    e-portfolio as part of the specialty recruitment process.

  • Who is responsible for ensuring that assessments are completed?

    The foundation doctor. One of the key features of the MMC reform is that it is foundation doctor-led. It is the foundation doctor’s responsibility to initiate the SLEs and assessments, deciding upon the case/procedure, timing and assessor.

    For more information on assessment, please see our Assessment webpage.