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7 items: You are viewing items in Careers

Title Date Location Link

GP Training Event

February 25th 2015

6:30pm until 8:00pm

Southmead Hospital

BS10 5NB

South West Undergraduate Paediatric Conference

February 28th 2015

9:30am until 5:00pm

Plymouth Postgraduate Medical Centre, Derriford Hospital


Autumn School

October 30th 2018

9:00am until October 31st 2018 4:30pm

Fromeside, Bristol

BS16 1EG

South West Psychiatry Autumn School

October 10th 2019

The Vassell Centre, Gill Avenue, Bristol

BS16 2QQ

South West Psychiatry Autumn School

October 23rd 2020


Clinical Skills - Regional Teaching (F2 Only)

February 10th 2021

12:30pm until 5:00pm

Yeovil District Hopspital

Managing stressful experiences using the hero's journey

May 26th 2021

9:00am until 12:00pm
