Posted September 20th 2023 (10 months ago)

Foundation School Bulletin

Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health - Foundation Doctor Prize 2023

Each year the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health offers three Foundation doctors from each deanery the opportunity to experience a day at the RCPCH Annual Conference, this year in Birmingham from 25–27 March 2024.

This opportunity is open to both F1s and F2s. You must be nominated by the Foundation Programme Director in your Trust by 13th October 2023. If you are interested, please contact your programme director or foundation training team. Those nominated by their Trust will need to submit a short personal statement to the Foundation School; the three best will be nominated for the RCPCH prize.

UCL Medical Emergencies Course for Trainee Doctors - Virtual Course
Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th October 2023

Further details can be found on the meeting website - 57th Medical Emergencies Course for Trainee Doctors

Registration Fee - £100.00

Online registration now open – Click here to register

Registration fee includes:

1. Access to the virtual course on 14th & 15th October 2023 to watch the presentations and put questions to the speakers.
2. Post-course access to the video content (pre-registered delegates only). The content will be available from approximately 2 weeks after the course until the end of January 2024.
3. CPD certificate (provided by email to those who attend the course)
4. Opportunity to self-certify for CPD for watching the course content later (one CPD credit per hour).

Please note that anyone wishing to access the video contact afterwards must pre-register before the course takes place.

The Society of Radiologists in Training (SRT) annual essay competition

Submission Deadline: 15th October 2023, 5pm

Questions (pick only one):

Title 1: Imaging inequality: Exploring the differences in Radiology between high and low income countries.
Title 2: Navigating the grey areas: The ethics of incidental findings in Radiology

Eligible Applicants:

  • UK Medical Students
  • UK Junior Doctors (any specialty)
  • UK Radiology trainees

Word limit: 1500 words
Prize: Free entry to the SRT annual conference 2024, certificate for portfolio

Please click here to find out more.

eLearning for Healthcare Foundation September Update: Acute conditions

Welcome to your September 2023 update from the Foundation elearning programme.

The following elearning sessions support trainees to recognise, prioritise and safely manage acute conditions, including fluid status, sepsis and arterial blood gas sampling and interpretation.


The sessions cover areas in your curriculum on:

FPC 1: Clinical Assessment
FPC 2: Clinical Prioritisation
FPC 3: Holistic Planning
FPC 4: Communication and Care
FPC 5: Continuity of Care

Foundation Year Doctors Masterclass in Dermatology Workshop - 14th October

Saturday 14th October - 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM
British Association of Dermatologists, Willan House, London, W1T 5HQ
Registration Fee: £30

Large group teaching will include:

  • Emergency dermatology
  • Decision making in dermatology
  • When to refer
  • Prescribing topical therapies

Small group case-based learning workshops:

  • Drug rashes, skin cancer, skin infections, prescribing

Foundation doctors can register for the event through the following link:

RCPsych SW Autumn Biannual Meeting: Sex, drugs & psychiatry, Friday 17 November 2023, 9:00-4:30pm

Dr Liz Ewins and Dr Dheeraj Rai are putting together an exciting programme on the theme of ‘Sex, drugs and psychiatry’, with the day covering key areas of addictions psychiatry, with sessions on psychedelics and gambling. We will have presentations on gender diversity and how we can better support our patients, along with poster and prize presentations (which close for entries on 25 September). Full details regarding who can enter and how to enter submissions for the poster and prizes are available here.

Ticket prices:
- Non-member £175
- Consultant £175
- Trainee/SAS doctor/retired doctor/reduced rate membership £100
- Patient/carer £100
- Core trainee discounted rate £50
- Foundation year doctor/medical student £35

To book a place at the SW Autumn Biannual Meeting, use the book now link on our website, or telephone 01761 463979.

Exciting opportunity to be part of the SW Foundation Trainees Surgical Society Committee

Supported by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (RCSEd), we are a large and active post-graduate society running across all four regions of the UK. Our key aim is to provide a platform and forum for junior doctors interested in a surgical career transition from their foundation role to core surgical training.

Our wing of the society includes trainees from Bristol down to Cornwall. Locally/ regionally we have worked hard to create events such as 'Acing the interview', journal clubs, career days and 'Surgical Skills Workshops', with many more in the pipeline. Nationally we have just hosted the '2nd FTSS National Conference' up in Edinburgh. We are looking for new members to carry the torch and help build the society further.

If you are interested in becoming part of this committee or have any questions, then please email Mr Subramanian at