Posted December 16th 2022 (2 years ago)

Foundation School Bulletin

F2 Regional Teaching - New Course in Genomics Added! 30 March 2023

A new course on genomics has been added to Maxcourse. This will be an overview of the rapidly evolving field of genomics and personalised medicine, how and when to access genetic testing, and how to guide patients through the process.

Please check MaxCourse for the latest regional teaching offerings. Courses include Practical Procedures and Ultrasound Skills, Leadership & Management, Oncology, Paediatric Emergencies, Orthopaedic Skills, and Essential Psychiatry for F2s. A full list of available courses can be found via your MaxCourse account. Travel (either mileage or public transportation costs) can be reimbursed for in-person regional teaching courses that occur outside of your Trust.

Please remember that you must apply for study leave before attending F2 regional teaching courses ( Retrospective applications cannot be funded.

The Royal Society of Medicine: F3 year webinar, 12 Jan 2023

This webinar is aimed primarily at F2 year doctors who may be considering taking an F3 year within or outside of medicine.

Talks will cover:

  • An introduction to planning an F3 year
  • Clinical fellowships
  • Research
  • Higher education
  • A year abroad
  • Locuming
  • Options outside medicine
  • Charity and international medical graduate experiences

Date: Thursday 12 January 2023
Time: 9:00am to 3:30pm (GMT)
Location: Online
Cost: £20

Click here to find out more and register:

STAR Annual Conference 2023 - Severn Trainee Anaesthetic Research Network - 28th Feb 2023

Learning and Research Centre, North Bristol NHS Trust

The Severn Trainee Anaesthetic Research Group (STAR) are pleased to announce the STAR 4th Annual Research Conference. Open to trainees of all grades, this will be an exciting day of talks from national experts at the forefront of anaesthetic research. The day also allows sign off of the mandatory Research and Managing Data of the Generic Professional Domain in the 2021 Curriculum.

Programme Highlights

Research updates, career guidance, poster/oral presentations and STAR Project Pitch.

Book your free ticket at

National Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Poster Competition 2023

Present at the 10th anniversary conference of the Bristol Patient Safety Conference!

Deadline 3rd March 2023 - see competition details and online entry form here:

There are up to 160 poster places at this online conference. Successful entries receive:

An invitation to give a live oral poster presentation* at a national conference on 17th May 2023.
A discounted delegate rate of £169 (no VAT). Co-authors will also qualify for the discounted rate.
A national poster competition presentation certificate with names of presenter(s) and authors
There will be a first prize and runner up for each themed poster group
* 2-minute oral presentation followed by judge-led Q&A

Who should apply?: Junior doctors, nurses, midwives, consultants, AHPs, GPs, physician associates, foundation doctors, medical students and those working in care settings among others

In addition, there is a free QI workshop from QIClearn aimed at F1/F2 doctors, to be held online on 1 February. Register on Eventbrite here:

UKFP December 2022 bulletin

The UKFP December 2022 bulletin is now available at