Useful Resources/Websites
Foundation Doctor Support Information
If a foundation doctor feels that they require support they should, at the earliest possible opportunity, contact their Trust Foundation Programme Director so that appropriate advice can be provided.
Support Whilst Training
In the first year of Foundation training, many doctors feel that they would like some support but do not know where to turn. You may worry that to admit you need help is a sign of weakness, when actually the opposite is true. You are under a professional obligation to care for yourself.
This is a brief outline of the some of the key areas of support and how to access these.
Health and Wellbeing
It is important to monitor your own health and to try to get some sense of balance in your life. If possible, maintain friendships and social activities outside work. Whilst stress comes with the profession it is how you manage it that makes the difference. More information can be found on the Severn Deanery Website.
Early research is essential in your first year of Foundation training regarding your career path. Applications for specialty and GP training open 15 months after graduation. Careers advice is available from a range of people in your Trust and, if you would like a confidential discussion about your career, you can contact the Deanery Career Adviser via email or telephone to arrange a meeting. More information.
Who to Contact
Severn Deanery is committed to your personal and professional development. As part of this commitment we will provide high quality support when needed in order to help you achieve your full potential. If you feel you require support or are experiencing difficulties, it is important that you speak to someone. Please visit our website for more information on who to contact and resources available via the Severn Deanery.
Psychiatry Support Service for Foundation Doctors
The Psychiatrist Support Service (PSS) is a telephone advice service offered to members and associates of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. Associate membership of the college is available to medical students and foundation doctors and is free. On the college website is information for doctors experiencing difficulties in the workplace, and information leaflets on bullying and harassment, managing complaints, dealing with exams etc.
The PSS has a manager who takes telephone calls from psychiatrists. If appropriate the callers details are then passed onto one of the PSS’ advisers. In most situations the caller speaks to an adviser on only one occasion and solutions to manage the difficulty are generated. The PSS is not a counselling service, or a long term support service, and contact is limited to telephone calls only.
The PSS can be contacted by telephone (020 7245 0412) or email the Psychiatrists Support Service.
Information for Trainers
The Deanery runs 'How to Support Trainees' courses for trainers. Please see the Events page for dates and details.