The Severn Deanery is fully committed to medical education research. The list below contains information about presentations and poster presentations given within the last two years at various national and international conferences.
Arthurs E.A., Mehta T.A., Hare N., Sieberhagen C., Pugh S., Lockett M. (2010) The experience of Gastroenterology trainees' training in the Southwest: results of a survey and comparison with consultant opinion. South West Gastro Society meeting, Newquay, June 2010.
Aspinall, R., Blencowe N and Jestico, N. 2010. Showing How Education Can Improve Patient Safety During the August Intake. In Sharing Best Practice meeting National Association of Clinical Tutors and the UK Foundation Programme Office. London, UK. June 2010.
Chung, Y. 2010. Don’t Drop the Baton! – Safe Handover: Safe Patients. In Sharing Best Practice meeting National Association of Clinical Tutors and the UK Foundation Programme Office. London, UK. June 2010.
Crofts, J 2010. The Effectiveness of Simulation Training in Preparing Medical Students to Manage Maternal Cardiac Arrest and Placental Delivery Using Pelvic Manikins in Medical Education: Students’ Perspectives. In 1st European Conference on Simulation in Women’s Health, RCOG, London. February 2010.
Georgiou, A. and Garcia Rodriquez, M. 2010. The new-2-ICU Course: A Novel Course Preparing Junior Doctors for working on the Intensive Care Unit. In Foundation Doctors Forum, The Great Western Hospital, Swindon, UK. June 2010.
Gray, S., Cook, S., Etheridge, A., Sandhu, D. 2010 How to Improve Quality in Postgraduate Medical Training. In AMEE, (Association for Medical Education in Europe) 14th International Ottawa Conference, Miami, USA. 15-19 May 2010.
Gray, S. 2010. Development of a Situational Judgement Test for Selection into UK Public Health Training' (abstract). In AMEE (Association for Medical Education in Europe) Glasgow, UK. 4th- 8th September 2010.
Holmes, S., Scullion, J. and Stern M. (2010) Living and dying with COPD – the development of an educational package for clinicians involved in end of life care issues in COPD. European Respiratory Society Abstracts. Barcelona Spain.
Holmes, S and Scullion, J. (2010) Does a brief mentoring programme enhance leadership in prospective new leaders in the respiratory world? European Respiratory Society Abstracts, Barcelona, Spain.
Holmes S (2009) Clinical Leadership – Preparing the Next Generation (workshop). In the Annual Conference United Kingdom Conference of Educational Advisors, Manchester, UK, September 2009.
Holmes S, Miles J. (2009) The Future Physician – a need for GP training experience (workshop). In the Annual United Kingdom Conference of Educational Advisors, Manchester, UK, September 2009.
Holmes, S. 2009 NAPCE Report on Annual Conference NAPCE Proceedings of National Appraisal Conference.
Irish W, Buckle G and Lyons Maris J. 2009. Development of the Senior Educational Faculty. In UKCEA (United Kingdom Conference of Educational Advisers), September 2009.
Irish, W. and Patterson, F. 2009. Evidence Based Selection Practice for Junior Doctors. In UKCEA (United Kingdom Conference of Educational Advisers), September 2009.
James, R. and Powell, J. 2010. The rise of the internet based e-portfolio: The essential guide to the e-portfolio (winning Poster Presentation) In Foundation Doctors Forum, The Great Western Hospital, Swindon, UK. June 2010.
Johnstone, H., Collins P. (2010) To use simulation to teach the management of medical emergencies in a realistic but safe learning environment Oral Presentation Simulation for Health Care
Lau, A. 2010. Marmot: You Either Love or Hate It: Inequalities Standing Group (paper presentation). In RCGP (Royal College of General Practitioners) Annual Primary Care Conference Sustainable Primary Care – Growing Healthy Partnerships. Harrogate, UK. October 2010.
Llewellyn-Date, K. and Sandhu, D. 2010 How Does Education Fit Within a Healthcare Commissioning Model? In AMEE, (Association for Medical Education in Europe) 14th International Ottawa Conference, Miami, USA. 15-19 May 2010.
Makris, J. 2010. Consultants’ Attitudes to the Assessment of General Practitioner Specialty Trainees Undertaking Hospital Placements (poster presentation) In RCGP (Royal College of General Practitioners) Annual Primary Care Conference Sustainable Primary Care – Growing Healthy Partnerships. Harrogate, UK. October 2010.
Malin, A. 2010. Enhancing Deanery-wide Clinical Skills Teaching: Web-based MCGs - Bane or Boon? In Sharing Best Practice meeting National Association of Clinical Tutors and the UK Foundation Programme Office. London, UK. June 2010.
Raveen Kandan, S. 2010. Promoting Medical Education Through the Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Medical Journal. In Foundation Doctors Forum, The Great Western Hospital, Swindon, UK. June 2010.
Richards, H. and Williams, C. S. 2009. How to be a better educator-practical hints and tips on how to survive as a medical educator (workshop).In Royal College Psychiatrists South West Division Autumn Biannual meeting, Bristol, UK.
Sandhu, D. 2009. Medical Education Leadership – The Way Forward. (plenary Lecture). In AMEE, (Association for Medical Education in Europe) Malaga, Spain. 29th August – 2nd September 2009.
Sandhu, D. 2009. Mid-Staffordshire Hospital Crisis as a Case Model. Royal College of Physicians and Birbeck College, London. 13th October 2009.
Sandhu, D. 2010 Doctors in Difficulty and Reasons for Internal Disciplinary Action and General Medical Council Referral. In British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin, Cardiff, UK. 10-11 July 2010.
Sandhu, D. 2010. Handling Performance Issues in Postgraduate Medical Trainees. In British Association of Physicians of Indian Origin, Newcastle, UK 17-18 July 2010.
Sandhu, D., Canter, R., Cook, A. and Martins, H. 2010. The Leadership Skills You Need to be Successful Senior Faculty Members. In AMEE (Association for Medical Education in Europe) Glasgow, UK 4th – 8th September 2010.
Sandhu, D., Cook, A. and Canter, R. 2009. Leadership and Management Skills to Become Senior Faculty Members. In AMEE, (Association for Medical Education in Europe) Malaga, Spain 30th August 2009.
Sandhu, D., Gray, S. and Cook A. 2010 Assessing the Leadership Needs of Your Organisation. In AMEE (Association for Medical Education in Europe) 14th Ottawa Conference, Miami, USA 15-19th May 2010.
Wilson J. (2010) Reflective Writing UK APD Conference
Oral Presentations
Alden, E. 2010. General Practice Educational Scholarships – an Innovative Addition to General Practice Training (paper presentation) In RCGP (Royal College of General Practitioners) Annual Primary Care Conference Sustainable Primary Care – Growing Healthy Partnerships. Harrogate, UK. October 2010.
T. Valliani, P. Dunckley, K. Dowler 2010 Audit of flexible sigmoidoscopy completion rates. Time to change certification criteria? Oral presentation at British Society of Gastroenterology meeting, Liverpool, March 2010
Whitehouse, A. 2010. Fitting in Time Out on the GP VTS: Innovative General Practice Training programmes which Embrace Out of Programme Experience (paper presentation). In RCGP (Royal College of General Practitioners) Annals Primary Care Conference Sustainable Primary Care – Growing Healthy Partnerships. Harrogate, UK. October 2010.
Poster Presentations
Foster, W. 2010. Poetry in General Practice Education - Perceptions of Learners (poster presentation). In International Symposium on Poetry and Medicine. Warwick University, UK.
Bilham, T. and Main, P. 2010. Designing a Masters Programme in Primary Care: Involving Potential Students in a Joint Project Between a University and a Deanery (poster presentation). In RCGP (Royal College of General Practitioners) Annual Primary Care Conference Sustainable Primary Care – Growing Healthy Partnerships. Harrogate, UK. October 2010.
Harris M., Whittle C., and Powell J. 2011. The Development of an End of Hospital Post Questionnaire for GP STs using the Delphi Technique. Poster presentation at annual UK Conference of Postgraduate Educational Advisors in General Practice. 2011, Torquay.
Hutchings A., Pepperell J., Potter H. 2010 Effective interventions to reduce noise on a general medical ward Poster presentation at the International Forum on Quality and Safety Healthcare 2010, Nice and Presentation at the British Thoracic Society Winter Meeting 2009, London
Mehta TA, McKaig B, Dowler K, Valori RM, Dunckley P 2010 Results on the national uptake of the JETS e-portfolio. Poster at British Society of Gastroenterology, 2010.
Mehta TA, Wood JJ, Pettitt EA, McKaig B, Dowler K, Valori RM, Dunckley P 2010 Results of the Initial Pilot of the new JAG approved web-based e-portfolio for Trainees in Endoscopy. Poster at British Society of Gastroenterology, 2010.
Mehta TA, Wood J. J., Pettitt E.A., McKaig B., Dowler K., Valori R.M., Dunckley P. 2009 Results of the Initial Pilot of the new JAG approved web-based e-portfolio for Trainees in Endoscopy. Poster at United European Gastroenterology Federation World Congress, 2009.
Wedderburn C., Scallan S., Curtis A., and Whittle C. 2011. “I get by with a little help from my friends …” The views and experiences of female GPs on professional practice, childcare support and career planning. Poster presentation at annual UK Conference of Postgraduate Educational Advisors in General Practice. 2011, Torquay.
Wood J. J., Mehta T. A., McKaig B., Dowler K., Valori R. M., Dunckley P. 2010 Results on the national uptake of the JAG Endoscopy Training System (JETS) e-Portfolio. Poster at the Association of Colpoproctology of Great Britain and Ireland, 2010.
Wood JJ, Mehta TA, Pettitt EA, Dowler K, Valori RM, Dunckley P 2010 Results of the Initial Pilot of the New JAG Approved Web-Based E-Portfolio for Trainees in Endoscopy. Poster at the Association of Colpoproctology of Great Britain and Ireland, 2010.
Additional Primary Care Research Projects