UK Myeloma Forum Spring Day
The ‘Immunology’ of Myeloma and Paraproteinaemias
09.00 Registration
09.30 T-cell immune deficiency and myeloma pathogenesis, Professor Gordon Cook St James Institute of Oncology Leeds
10.00 Humoral immune deficiency and immune reconstruction in myeloma, Professor Mark Drayson University of Birmingham
10.30 Clinical management of secondary antibody deficiency, To be confirmed
11.00 Coffee
11.30 Management of IgM related immune phenomena, Professor Véronique Leblond Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière Paris
12.15 Cold agglutinin disease, Dr Sigbjorn Berensten Haugesund Hospital Norway
13.00 Lunch
14.00 Michael Morley Lecture: Myeloma cytogenetics: a personal and historical perspective, Dr Fiona Ross Salisbury District Hospital
15.00 Coffee
15.25 UKMF ASH Abstract Bursary Winners, To be confirmed
16.45 Close
Registration Fee: £60 (£40 for Scientists and Nurses)
For online registration please visit
For further information please telephone 01565 621967 or email