Research in Clinical Practice Conference
Category: Foundation - General
Date: November 1st 2012
Location: Oxford
We are a group of academic trainees in Oxford, organising this year’s Research in Clinical Practice conference, a national conference which provides a forum for doctors in training and medical students with an interest in research, education, or audit to present their work in poster format. The conference will take place at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford on November 1st this year, and abstract submissions are now open.
Last year’s conference was a great success, with over sixty posters displayed, and selected abstracts published in QJM: An International Journal of Medicine. This year, we welcome abstracts in the following categories:
1. Audit and Quality Improvement
2. Case Reports
3. Basic Sciences
4. Original Research
5. Medical Student Submissions
We are pleased to accept both preliminary and completed work – our aim is to facilitate the sharing of clinical research ideas. A series of talks by academic clinicians at various stages of training will highlight the opportunities available for research in clinical practice.
In particular, we are delighted to welcome Alain Townsend FRCP FRS, Professor of Molecular Immunology, as our keynote speaker, and Chris Pugh FRCP, Professor of Renal Medicine, as our conference chair.
To apply, please submit a 150 word abstract no later than October 17th 2012 by email to For full details, the programme, and a submission form, please see our website at