International Academic and Research Conference - Abstract Submissions now closed

Category: Foundation - General

Date: August 17th 2013

Location: Manchester


The International Academic and Research Conference is committed in promoting exchange of medical and scientific knowledge between medical students and junior doctors worldwide. The conference is an opportunity for motivated and ingenious attendees to present their work to their peers, either as an oral or a poster presentation. The day will also feature keynote lectures from distinguished Clinicians, Academicians and Scientists.

We are looking for students and junior doctors to submit abstracts on work they have done in the areas of audit, research or clinical work.

All abstracts selected for presentation will be published in the ‘World Journal of Medical Education and Research.’

There will be a variety of prestigious prizes on offer, which will be awarded for the best presentations in each category, as well as for pioneering research, audits or medical devices that have had an impact on clinical practice or patient care.

The overall winner (Grand Prize Winner) will receive the ‘Doctors Academy Award’ and an attractive cash prize. The winner will be invited to present their work and academic experience at the International Medical Summer School in 2014 as a guest speaker. In addition, the winner will also be offered the opportunity to publish his/her full paper in the ‘World Journal of Medical Education and Research.’

Besides the Grand Prize, there are also various other prizes on offer, including the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh Surgical Prize.

Medical students and junior doctors can also attend this conference as a delegate without doing a presentation.

Closing date for submission of abstracts: 14th April 2013

For more details, please visit our website