FMLM Annual Conference 2013 - Edinburgh, 14-16 October 2013
Category: Foundation - Other
Date: October 14th 2013 until October 16th 2013
Location: Edinburgh International Conference Centre EH3 8EE
The conference will focus on the evidence base for medical leadership and will have the following themes:
- Leadership and clinical outcomes: show me the evidence!
- One version of the truth – managing risk and safety
- Practical steps to change culture
- Medical leaders: set up to fail?
- Standards of medical leadership
How to register
Registration for 2013 Conference opened on 17 July 2013.
Individuals who joined FMLM before 17 July 2013 and all medical and dental students will need to pay a £50+VAT conference deposit which will be automatically refunded between 6-8 weeks after attendance at event.
Individuals who join FMLM after 17 July 2013 will pay their membership fee plus a non-refundable £50+VAT conference deposit to attend the event.
There are separate rates for non members wishing to attend the conference.
Members and non-members wishing to attend the 14 October 2013 education day will pay £105+VAT.