F2 Regional Teaching - Managing Chronic Disease in Primary Care
Category: Foundation - F2 Regional Teaching Programme
Date: May 21st 2014
Location: Weston General Hospital, Grange Road, Uphill, Weston-Super-Mare BS23 4TQ
A fun and dynamic day focusing on primary care management. We run interactive, workshops on a rotating carousel covering the following key conditions:
- Hypertension
- Diabetes
- Heart Failure
- Asthma
The aim is to answer those questions you need to know:
Practical advice:
- “What do community heart failure team & pulmonary rehab do?”
- “How do I give palliative care to someone with COPD?”
- “Blood pressure treatment – ACEi and beyond!”
Patient centred management:
- “Whose disease is it anyway?”
- “How do GP’s manage and motivate their patients to look after their own long term conditions”
Update on latest management of key chronic disease:
- “Which patients with AF are suitable for new oral anticoagulation?”
- “I don’t know about those new diabetic drugs… help!?”
Module Lead:
Run in turns by the GP specialty vocational training teams from each of the 5 patches in Severn
All enquiries should be directed to Leander Dearnley
The programme uses days from the study leave allocation. Study leave will need to be agreed and booked prior to booking on to the courses. Places are allocated on a first come first served basis. Booking is via the MLE (Managed Learning Environment) system. For more information, see F2 MLE Booking Instructions.
Severn’s Regional F2 Teaching Programme encourages foundation trainees to experience training as part of the Foundation School, enabling us to use the faculty members who are keen to deliver proven educational material as required by the Foundation Curriculum and also offers an opportunity for trainees to network, an important part of professional development. The programme culminates with an Innovations Presentation day offering foundation trainees at F1 and F2 level the opportunity to present their work and receive regional recognition.