F2 Regional Teaching - Emergencies and Critical Care
Category: Foundation - F2 Regional Teaching Programme
Date: April 25th 2014
Location: The Great Western Hospital Academy, Swindon SN3 6BB
The Emergency and Critical Care day focuses on the acute care skills that will be required by all doctors above foundation level.
Different acute care situations will be discussed and the clinical management discussed in an interactive informal day using a mix of lectures and small group workshops.
Content includes:
- Lectures and workshops covering general and specialty specific critical care situations
- Critical care skills
- Making the most of the Critical Care Outreach Team
- When and how to refer to ICU
- Obstetric emergencies
- Infection control
Any enquiries regarding this workshop should be directed to Luke Newman
The programme uses days from the study leave allocation. Study leave will need to be agreed and booked prior to booking on to the courses. Places are allocated on a first come first served basis. Booking is via the MLE (Managed Learning Environment) system. For more information, see F2 MLE Booking Instructions.
Severn’s Regional F2 Teaching Programme encourages foundation trainees to experience training as part of the Foundation School, enabling us to use the faculty members who are keen to deliver proven educational material as required by the Foundation Curriculum and also offers an opportunity for trainees to network, an important part of professional development. The programme culminates with an Innovations Presentation day offering foundation trainees at F1 and F2 level the opportunity to present their work and receive regional recognition.