Careers Advice for Trainees
Category: Foundation - General
Date: September 11th 2012
Location: Durham
On Tuesday 11th September 2012, the UK Foundation Programme Office (UKFPO), Northern Deanery and Medical Education England (MEE), are jointly hosting a ‘Careers advice for trainees’ conference.
The conference will take place from approximately 10am to 4.30pm at Durham Cathedral. It will bring together anyone involved in foundation school or deanery careers advice and planning, and will consist of a range of plenary presentations and workshops, as well as a poster exhibition.
We are currently inviting submissions of abstracts for poster presentations on a careers theme of your choice. Posters will be displayed throughout the day, and the abstracts uploaded onto the UKFPO website following the event. If you would like to submit an abstract please click here to download and complete the form, and send to by Friday 20th July 2012.