44th Medical Emergencies Course for Trainee Doctors
Category: Foundation - General
Date: March 28th 2015 until March 29th 2015
Location: Cruciform Building, University College London Gower Street, London
Courses designed for healthcare professionals working in Intensive Care, Anaesthetics, Emergency Medicine, General Medicine and General Surgery
Led by: Professor Mervyn Singer, Professor of Intensive Care Medicine, University College London
Topics to include:
- What constitutes a sick patient?
- Acute heart failure, arrhythmias
- Dyspnoea, acute asthma pneumothorax
- Oliguria, acute kidney injury
- Hypothermia, hyperthermia, overdose
- Hypotensive patient, the septic patient
- Myocardial infarction, chest pain
- Unconscious patient, status epilepticus, meningitis
- Hypovolaemia, GI haemorrhage, acute hepatic failure
- Metabolic emergencies
Registration Fee: £295
Registration fee includes a copy of the ‘Oxford Handbook of Critical Care’ plus speaker presentations
RCoA CPD Approved Courses
Register online now at www.hartleytaylor.co.uk
For further information please contact derry@hartleytaylor.co.uk or telephone 01296 584172 / 07900 634948