Intensive Care Society
Tel: 020 7280 4350
Royal College of Anaesthetists
Tel: 020 7092 1500
Audiological Medicine
Tel: 0207837 3611
British Cardiovascular Society
Tel: 020 7383 3887
British Association of Dermatology
Tel: 020 7383 0266
Royal College of Emergency Medicine
Tel: 020 7404 1999
British Society of Gastroenterology
Tel: 020 7935 3150
Royal College of General Practitioners
Tel: 020 3188 7400
British Geriatrics Society
Tel: 020 7608 1369
British Medical Association
Tel: 020 7387 4499
General Medical Council
Tel: 0161 923 6602
Royal Society of Medicine
Tel: 020 7270 2900
Royal College of Physicians (all specialties)
Tel: 0207935 1174
Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
Tel: 0131 225 7324
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
Tel: 0141 221 6072
Royal College of Physicians of Ireland
Tel: 353 1661 6677
Association of British Neurologists
Tel: 020 7405 4060
British Nuclear Medicine Society
Tel: 020 8291 7800
Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
Tel: 020 7772 6200
Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare
Tel: 020 7724 5524
Faculty of Occupational Medicine
Tel: 020 7242 8698
Royal College of Ophthalmologists
Tel: 020 7935 0702
Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health
Tel: 020 7307 5600
Royal College of Pathologists
Tel: 020 7451 6752
The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians of the United Kingdom
Tel: 020 7224 0343
The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI)
Tel: 020 7030 3477
British Association of Pharmaceutical Physicians (BrAPP)
Tel: 0118 934 1943
Royal College of Psychiatrists
Tel: 020 7235 2351
Royal College of Radiologists
Tel: 020 7636 4432
British Society for Rheumatology
Tel: 020 7242 3313
Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh
Tel: 0131 527 1600
Royal College of Surgeons of England
Tel: 020 7405 3474
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
Tel: 0141 221 6072
Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland
Tel: 00353 1412 2100
British Association of Surgical Oncology
Tel: 020 7405 5612
Society of Cardiothoracic Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland
Tel: 020 7405 3474
Association of Upper Gastrointestinal Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland
Tel: 020 7973 0305
British Association of Otorhinolaryngologists
Tel: 020 7404 8373
British Association of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons
Tel: 020 7831 5161
British Association for Surgery of the HandTel: 020 7831 5161
Society of British Neurological Surgeons
Tel: 020 7405 3474
British Orthopaedic Association
Tel: 020 7405 6507
British Association of Paediatric Surgeons
Tel: 020 7869 6915
British Transplantation Society
Tel: 020 8875 2430
British Association of Urological Surgeons
Tel: 020 7405 1390
British Thoracic Society
Tel: 020 7486 7766