Introduction to Quality Assurance of the Foundation Programme (QAFP)

The GMC system to quality assure the Foundation Programme is known as QAFP.

The QAFP process

QAFP monitors whether the standards and outcomes for training for the Foundation Programme which are contained within The New Doctor 2009 are being met.

Standards and Outcomes for Foundation Training

The standards for Foundation Programme training which deaneries need to demonstrate and the outcomes which Foundation year one doctors need to meet are set out in The New Doctor.

A Four Stage Process

QAFP is a four stage process:

Information Gathering

Deaneries provide information in response to a self-assessment document which is based on the Standards for Training for the Foundation Programme.


A team of visitors considers the information provided by the deanery and carries out a visit to the deanery in order to verify the information provided. Verification is carried out through meetings with deanery personnel, members of the local faculty (for example, consultants responsible for training Foundation doctors) and Foundation Programme doctors. Here is more information about QAFP visitors.


The visit team produces a report of their findings. Deaneries are provided with a draft copy of the report for a factual accuracy check. Reports are scrutinised and endorsed by the GMC Postgraduate Board before the deanery is provided with a final report and a right to reply within 28 days. Reports and deanery responses are published on the GMC website.

Reports also identify notable practice where it is found. The UK Foundation Programme Office has set up a group to peer review the QAFP reports to facilitate sharing notable practice and areas for improvement identified in the report which may have a general or national relevance.


The reports make requirements and recommendations for the deanery to improve. These requirements and recommendations are followed up by the GMC in order to monitor the Deanery's progress.

For more information on the QAFP process, please see the link under 'Useful Websites' below.

Severn's QAFP visit took place in June 2009. The Report and Action plan can be found on the GMC website. 

Deanery Quality Management